
Depilex Price List 2024: Your Ultimate Guide to Salon Services Cost

Master Paint Distemper Price


I. Introduction
II. Master Paint Distemper Price List 2023
III. Master Paint Distemper Color Chart
IV. Tips for Using Master Paint Distemper

V. Conclusion

Master Paint is one of the leading paint brands in Pakistan, offering a wide range of decorative coatings for homes, offices, and commercial spaces. Whether you’re planning to paint your interior walls or exterior surfaces, it’s important to know the latest price list for distemper, one of the most popular types of paint used in Pakistan.

In this article, we’ll discuss the Master Paint Distemper Price List 2023 in Pakistan, along with other important information that you need to know before starting your next painting project.

Master Paint Distemper Price List 2023

Master Paint Distemper is a water-based paint that is suitable for both interior and exterior surfaces. It provides a smooth, matte finish and is ideal for use on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces that are not exposed to direct sunlight or moisture. The latest Master Paint Distemper Price List for 2023 is as follows:

  • Master Paint Interior Distemper: Rs. 990/- per 20kg
  • Master Paint Exterior Distemper: Rs. 1,150/- per 20kg

It’s important to note that the prices may vary depending on factors such as location, quantity, and seller. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to confirm the price with your local dealer before making a purchase.

Master Paint Distemper Color Chart

Master Paint Distemper Price

Master Paint Distemper is available in a wide range of colors, from basic white and off-white to bright and bold shades. The color chart helps you to choose the right color for your project. Moreover, some of the popular color options for distemper include ivory, cream, beige, pink, green, blue, and yellow.

When choosing a color, consider factors such as the size of the room, the amount of natural light, and the mood that you want to create. If you’re unsure about which color to choose, you can always consult with a professional painter or interior designer. Click here to find about all the possible choices.

Tips for Using Master Paint Distemper

Master Paint Distemper Price

Before you start painting with Master Paint Distemper, it’s important to prepare the surface properly. This includes cleaning the surface, filling in any cracks or holes, and applying a primer if necessary.

When mixing and applying the paint, make sure to follow the instructions on the label carefully. Stir the paint thoroughly before use and avoid over-thinning it. Apply the paint in thin, even coats, and allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next one.

After painting, clean up the tools and equipment with soap and water immediately to avoid the paint from drying and sticking to them. Proper cleaning will ensure that your tools remain in good condition for future use.

It’s also important to maintain the painted surface after the job is complete. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals, as they may damage the paint. Instead, use a soft cloth and mild soap to clean the surface as needed.


Is Master Paint Distemper suitable for exterior surfaces?
A: Yes, Master Paint Distemper is suitable for both interior and exterior surfaces.

What are the popular color options for Master Paint Distemper?
A: Some popular color options for Master Paint Distemper include ivory, cream, beige, pink, green, blue, and yellow.

How should I prepare the surface before painting with Master Paint Distemper?
A: Clean the surface, fill in any cracks or holes, and apply a primer if necessary.

How should I maintain the painted surface after the job is complete?
A: Use a soft cloth and mild soap to clean the surface as needed, and avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals.


In conclusion, the Master Paint Distemper Price List 2023 in Pakistan is an important piece of information to have before starting your next painting project. Knowing the latest prices and color options can help you make an informed decision and stay within your budget.

When using Master Paint Distemper, it’s important to follow the proper techniques and tips to ensure a smooth and long-lasting finish. With a little bit of preparation and care, you can achieve beautiful results that will enhance the look and feel of your home or workspace.

So, if you’re planning to paint your walls or other surfaces, consider using Master Paint Distemper and refer to this article for all the information you need to get started.