
New Suzuki Bike Prices in Pakistan for August 2023

Suzuki Bikes: The Latest Prices in Pakistan for August 2023

Let’s look at the latest Suzuki bike Prices in Pakistan for August 2023. As we all know, its prices have been higher, but this month, Suzuki has not changed the fees for their bikes.

Howdy, fellow bike enthusiasts! Buckle up your seatbelts, or helmet straps, because we’ve got some exciting news for all you Suzuki fans out there. It’s that time of the year when we unveil the latest prices of Suzuki bikes in Pakistan for August 2023. Drumroll, please!

Suzuki GD 110S – The Sensible Speedster

First up, we have the trusty ol’ Suzuki GD 110S. If you’re looking for a bike that won’t leave your wallet feeling like it just went through a marathon shopping spree, this might be your knight in shining chrome. At a cool 335,000 PKR, the GD 110S is all about practicality without breaking the bank.

Suzuki GSX 125 – The Wild Stallion

Now, let’s shift gears to the Suzuki GSX 125. If you’re craving more vroom, this one’s for you. Its sleek design and roaring engine make it like a beast on two wheels. But remember, my friend, all this power comes at a price, and that price tag reads 488,000 PKR. Giddy up, cowboy!

Suzuki GS 150 – The Classic Cruiser

Next on the list is the Suzuki GS 150, the classic cruiser that’s been winning hearts for years. If you’re a fan of timeless elegance and smooth rides, the GS 150 will sweep you off your feet. Plus, 364,000 PKR won’t leave you crying in your motorcycle gloves.

Suzuki GR 150 – The Adventure Seeker

Last, we have the adventurous spirit of the Suzuki GR 150. This bike is your faithful companion for those who dare to venture into the unknown. Its rugged design and off-road capabilities make it like having a mountain goat on wheels. Remember, you must shell out 521,000 PKR for this wild ride.

Phew! That was quite the lineup. Whether you’re a city slicker or an off-road adventurer, Suzuki has covered you. And don’t forget to thank us for bringing you this much-awaited price update. We’re the real bike superheroes here!

So there you have it, folks, the latest prices for Suzuki bikes in Pakistan for August 2023. It’s time to choose and hit the road with your two-wheeled companion. But before you zoom away, always remember to ride safe, wear that helmet like a stylish crown, and spread smiles wherever you go, even if it’s just because you look hilarious in your biking gear!

Till next time, keep riding and keep smiling! Vroom vroom! 🏍️😄

New Suzuki Bike Prices in Pakistan for August 2023

ModelNew Price (PKR)
Suzuki GD 110S335,000
Suzuki GSX 125488,000
Suzuki GS 150364,000
Suzuki GR 150521,000